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Money Management

When you’re in control of your finances, you just feel better

Money Management offers a convenient, engaging, and complete experience entirely integrated within Online Banking and our Mobile app. Within minutes, connect all your accounts, loans, and investments to view your entire financial picture in Online Banking and our mobile app. Free to all our members, take advantage of this tool to help Improve the Quality of Your Financial Life.

No two people are the same, and neither are their finances.

money management

Money Management analyzes all your finances and spending habits to provide insight to make informed financial decisions. With Money Management, you can:

  • View your overall spending in easy-to-understand charts to find opportunities to save.
  • See all your bills in one place, set reminders, and easily hop into Bill Pay to schedule payments in an instant.
  • Follow an auto-generated budget based on your spending habits and easily make changes as needed.
  • Set custom alerts for non-GAFCU account balances, a large expense or deposit, when you’re close to reaching your budget, and more.
  • Establish goals to pay off a loan or save for an upcoming event or purchase.
  • Receive tips to help pay down the right debt first – quickly and more efficiently.
  • View all your investments in one place and determine your net worth.

It’s secure, simple, and always with you.
Forget about logging in to multiple accounts to view your finances and spending. Everything you need to know is in one secure location.


Not all budgets are created equal. Easily edit and manage budgets in one place and quickly identify ones that need your attention based on color and size. Get started with an auto-generated budget based on your past spending habits and adjust as needed to fit your lifestyle and keep you on track.

  Spending & Trends

How much do you spend on entertainment every month? With the spending tool, quickly identify your biggest expenses and categorize your spending. The trends feature shows you category spending over time and compares it to your income, showing where and when you may need to cut back.


Pay your debt down faster with Money Management’s debt tool. See all your loans and debt in one place and learn techniques on how you can pay them off in less time and pay less in interest.


What are your financial goals? Saving for a house, vacation, retirement, or building up emergency funds? Goals help you plan for short- or long-term financial ambitions. Set savings, debt payoff, or retirement goals and easily track how much you’ve saved for each goal.

  Net Worth

Net worth is the most important value in personal finance as it takes everything into account: what you have and what you owe, as well as what you earn, save, spend, and pay toward debt.

With the net worth tool in Money Management, track and monitor the net sum of all your assets and liabilities. Drill down to see what makes up your gains and losses.